Amendment Re: Towing Eyes/Points
The North & Midlands Classes & Clarifications (and therefore virtually all clubs’ regs for 2011) have a rule about towing eyes.
Following consultation with competitors, it has been recommended that we slightly relax the rule as follows;
(All classes) Towing eyes of adequate strength and size must be fitted to the front and rear of the vehicle. They must be painted a distinctive and contrasting colour. Cars of periods A to F and single seater racing cars are exempt from this requirement subject to a suitable towing point being clearly identified.
(All classes) The vehicle must have a clearly identifiable towing point of adequate strength and size at both front & rear. A suitable point on the roll hoop will generally suffice for open single seat racing cars.
The MSA has suggested that we adopt the amended wording immediately, to make it easier for competitors to comply with the requirement of towing points.
This seems to be a sensible change that still requires the competitor to mark a suitable point on the car to attach a tow rope, in advance, and not to start thinking about it when the recovery crew are on their hands & knees in the grass at the side of the track!
It is likely that this wording, or something very similar, will be incorporated in the Blue Book effective from the 01/01/2013.
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