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2024 LMC Speed Championship – Final Results
We are delighted to announce the final results after 26 exciting rounds of the 2024 Speed Championship:
Division 1
1st: Matt Bramall
2nd Russell Thorpe
3rd Nigel Fox
Division 2
1st Rob Tonge
2nd Dave Everett
3rd Ray Worrall
“Champion of Aintree & Barbon”
1st Russel Thorpe
2nd Nigel Fox
3rd Matt Bramall
Sadly, there were too few participants in the Classic Car Championship to declare a winner this year.
The full results for each class of the championship can be found by selecting the appropriate link below.
Congratulations to all the winners, and many thanks to everyone who participated this year for helping make it such a hotly contested Championship.
Will you be at the awards lunch? Tickets are on sale until 10th November. See the Lunch announcement here for more details and to book.
Drivers Time Card
Division 1 Scores
Division 2 Scores
Champion of Aintree & Barbon scores
Classic Car Scores
Please check your results are included. If any are missing, please let Nigel Fox know ASAP.
When entering events, please tell the organisers that you are registered in the Liverpool Motor Club Speed Championship. This will help us find your results.
If the event is also an ANWCC or SD34 round, remember to declare that you are a member of LMC (as well as any other club you are a member of). We will then receive points in the local Club Championships.
Nigel Fox, Championship Coordinator:
November 4, 2024 2 Comments
The 2023 LMC Speed Championship Results are now Final
Here are the final results of the 2023 LMC Speed Championship:-
2023 Speed Championship Results
2023 Speed Championship Time Card
Congratulations go to our award winners:-
Division 1:
1st Overall – Ian Butcher (Class 1B)
2nd Overall – Matt Bramall (Class 2A)
3rd Overall – Nigel Fox (Class 2B)
1st in Class 1B – Russell Thorpe
1st in Class 2A – Chris Bramall
1st in Class 3H – Chris Boyd
Division 2:
1st Overall – Nigel Trundle (Class 1D)
2nd Overall – Phil Perks (Class 5B)
3rd Overall – David Everett (Class 1E)
1st in Class 1B – Michael Wiggins
1st in Class 1D – Lee Earley
1st in Class 1E – David Gallimore
1st in Class 3B – Warren Reece
Classic Cars:
1st in Classic Road Cars – Alan Wilson
(The overall winners in each division do not also receive an award for their class, the class award goes to the second-placed driver.
There need to be two drivers registered for a class for there to be a first-in-class award)
Once again, each division has been won by a very slim margin with a healthy level of competition amongst the 30 drivers that registered this year.
There are some great performances elsewhere in the classes too; you can find individual results for each contender by selecting the Results link above.
We hope you all had a great year’s motorsport and will join us at our End of Season Dinner and Awards Presentation on 25th November.
See HERE for more information and to book. (Applications close 18th November).
November 1, 2023 No Comments
2023 Championship Calendar
The calendar for the 2023 Liverpool Motor Club Speed Championship is now available to print here.
We shall open registrations in mid-February, and you can enter the Championship at any time until registrations close on 1st July. However, results will not be counted retrospectively, so we recommend registering well before your first event of the season.
January 11, 2023 No Comments
2021 Championship Results are now final
The results of the 2021 Liverpool Motor Club Speed Championship are now declared final.
You can view the score chart and the final results by selecting the following links:
2021 Championship score chart after the final round
2021 Speed Championship Final Results
Congratulations go to our winners:-
Division 1:
1st – Nigel fox
2nd – Matt Bramall
3rd – Geoff Ward
Division 2:
1st – Ian Johnson
2nd – Phil Howarth
3rd – Graham Kearsley
It’s certainly been a closely fought championship this year and we are so pleased to see so many competitors out and about after the cancellation of last year’s championship due to the Coronavirus pandemic. Thank you to everyone who took part.
After a great deal of deliberation, we have reluctantly decided not to hold an annual dinner and awards presentation this time. Covid-19 hasn’t gone away and the advancing age of many of our competitors, coupled with the increasing rate of infections, has been taken into account and we don’t feel it is appropriate to hold a dinner whilst the risk of infection is still so high. We shall arrange to send trophies to the winners in due course. We hope you appreciate why we have reached this decision.
Next Year
We’re already planning for next year – we hope you’ll be joining us for another exciting year of speed events in 2022.
Championship Coordinator – volunteer found!
We wish to give particular thanks to Sean Robertson who is now stepping down from the role of Championship Coordinator for personal reasons. He took on the role from Ron Hunt just as Covid-19 struck and has done a wonderful job over the past 2 seasons, one year of which was lost of course.
We are pleased to welcome Ryan Smith who has volunteered to take on the role of Championship Coordinator for 2022. Ryan isn’t a competitor although he has taken part in our track days and is keen to help keep the Championship running. Ryan will be in touch with all previous contenders early in the New Year.
Best wishes, and stay safe
JH 5/12/2021
November 5, 2021 2 Comments
Covid-19 and the 2020 Speed Championship
Unfortunately, nearly two-thirds of the events that were rounds of the 2020 LMC Speed Championship have been cancelled due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Some have been lost during the blanket cessation of motorsport up to 30th June, others have been cancelled due to venues no longer being available or due to organisers deciding that they are unable to run the events whilst keeping safe all those involved.
See the Championship Calendar page for details of the events affected.
As a result, we are reviewing the prospect of running the Championship with a drastically reduced number of rounds and will make a further announcement before motorsport recommences on 4th July.
In the meantime, stay safe everyone.
LMC: 6/6/2020
June 6, 2020 No Comments
2017 Championship Scores after rounds 1 & 2
The Championship Scores after Rounds 1 & 2 at Anglesey are now available to view or download and can be accessed by clicking on the following links;
2017 Speed Championship Scores after Rounds 1 & 2 (apologies for the error, it has been corrected)
Please let me know as soon as possible if there are any mistakes or if I have missed you.
Please also check that if you qualify for the Classic Championship your results have been included.
It would help greatly if you declare to event organisers that you are registered in the Liverpool Motor Club Speed Championship as it makes it easier for me to find you. If the event is also an ANWCC round, don’t forget to declare that you are a member of either LMC as well because the club will then receive points in the ANWCC Club Championship.
Ron Hunt – Championship co-ordinator
April 10, 2017 No Comments
2016 Championship Regulations
A copy of the 2016 Championship Regulations has been posted to all those who were registered in 2015.
If you do not receive your copy please let me know and I will email you a copy. Or you can register on-line at no extra cost using our tried & tested online payment system, so you won’t need to search for a stamp or envelope.
You can also view or download the 2016 Championship regs HERE, and enter on-line straight away. What could be easier?!!
Ron Hunt
Championship Co-ordinator
February 5, 2016 No Comments
2014 Championship Regulations now available online
The 2014 Championship Regulations are now available online please click on the following link to be taken to our Regulations page;
January 30, 2014 No Comments
Scores After round 14 at 3 Sisters
The Championship Scores after round 14 at 3 Sisters are now available to view or download and can be accessed by clicking on the following link;
2013 Speed Championship Scores after round 14
2013 Top Ten Challenge after 3 Sisters
If you are competing in the Championship, please check your scores and let me know as soon as possible if there are any mistakes or if I have missed you.
Please also check that if you qualify for the Classic Championship your results have been included.
It would help greatly if you declare to event organisers that you are registered in the C&LMCs’ Championship as it makes it easier for me to find you. If the event is also an ANWCC round, don’t forget to declare that you are a member of either LMC or CMC as well because the clubs will then receive points in the ANWCC Club Championship.
If you find a problem it is important that you please let me know ASAP and I will do my best to resolve things as quickly as possible.
Ron Hunt – Championship co-ordinator
August 19, 2013 No Comments
Regulations available from CMC Sprint at 3 Sisters
The regulations are are now available for the Three Sisters Sprint please click on the following link to download them;
June 6, 2012 No Comments